
The Alaska Mining Hall of Fame Foundation is funded through donations of money, time and effort, and through sales at this Museum. The Foundation is a tax-exempt organization, so all donations are tax deductible.

Donations to the Foundation should be mailed to:

Karl Hanneman, Treasurer
Alaska Mining Hall of Fame Foundation
P.O. Box 81108
Fairbanks, Alaska 99708

The continued operations of the Alaska Mining Hall of Fame (AMHF) Foundation --a 501 c-3 non-profit organization—is made possible from various income sources. Donations are graciously accepted. The AMHF Foundation provides a list of those organizations and individuals who have made contributions between 2019 and 2024 (the last five years). These generous donations allows the Foundation to publish the Paystreak Newsletter, which is produced for induction ceremonies; maintain our website; organize and conduct inductions ceremonies Statewide; and help pay for our museum at 460 Cushman in downtown Fairbanks where the foundation leases about 3,500 square feet from Charles Cole.

From 2003 to 2021, the website was maintained by Clarence Griffin, formerly of Fairbanks. We thank Clarence for providing the original website design and updating materials over a period of 20 years and keep this important communication link to those interested in mining history. The current website is being maintained by Scott Southwood.

Clarence Griffin

Clarence Griffin

We thank all contributors, regardless of levels of their donations, which are: Copper ($1-$99); Silver ($100-$499); Gold ($500-$999); 98er ($1,000); and Platinum (>$1,000)". Also included are individuals from the State of Alaska Pick-Click-Give Program.

Here is a listing of recent contributors. A majority of donations at the Copper and Silver levels are from the State of Alaska Pick-Click-Give Program. Gold and Platinum levels generally constitute separate contributions. The 2018 donations list is current as of October 25th, 2018

Name Level of Contribution Dedication Date(s)
Bill Stroecker FoundationPlatinumGeneral2019
Larry and Darlene PetersonSilverGeneral2019
Jason BruneCopperGeneral2019
Matthew HansonCopperGeneral2019
Gay Ellen Heath GriffinCopperGeneral2019
William KinneCopperGeneral2019
Clark MilneSilverGeneral2019
Jameson ParryCopperGeneral2019
Patricia PeirsolCopperGeneral2019
Jerry SadlerCopperGeneral2019
Michael WhalenSilverGeneral2019
Margaret Cox RichPlatinumIn Memory of
Ray Smith
David and Patricia CarnesPlatinumIn Memory
U.S. Bureau of Mines
Larry and Darlene PetersonPlatinumGeneral2020
Taiga Mining CompanyPlatinumGeneral2020
Scott BothwellCopperGeneral2020
Jason BruneSilverGeneral2020
Don and Carolyn GrayCopperGeneral2020
Matthew HansonCopperGeneral2020
William KinneCopperGeneral2020
Clark MilneSilverGeneral2020
Heath NowakCopperGeneral2020
Jameson ParryCopperGeneral2020
Patricia PeirsolCopperGeneral2020
Jerry SadlerCopperGeneral2020
Michael WhelanSilverGeneral2020
Bill Stroecker FoundationPlatinumGeneral2021
Taiga Mining CompanyPlatinumGeneral2021
Phil YounkerSilverIn Memory of
Ray Smith
Anonymous 1SilverGeneral2021
Anonymous 2SilverGeneral2021
Larry and Darlene PetersonSilverGeneral2021
June and Norm McAteePlatinumIn memory of
Adams Hollis Twitchell
and Jens Kvamme
Rob and Donna BradyCopperGeneral2022
Jason BruneSilverGeneral2022
Patrick DolphinCopperGeneral2022
Matthew HansonSilverGeneral2022
Richard HughesSilverGeneral2022
William KinneCopperGeneral2022
Clark MilneSilverGeneral2022
Jameson PerryCopperGeneral2022
Patricia PeirsolCopperGeneral2022
Jerry SadlerCopperGeneral2022
Anonymous 1SilverGeneral2022
Anonymous 2SilverGeneral2022
Teresa ChepodaSilverIn Memory of
John Usibelli
Ann and Mike McCannSilverGeneral2022
Bill Stroecker FoundationPlatinumGeneral2022
Design Alaska Inc.GoldGeneral2022
Taiga Mining CompanyPlatinumGeneral2022
Robert TsigonisGoldGeneral2023
Jeanne OstnesPlatinumGeneral2023
Don and Carolyn GraySilverGeneral2023
Shirley LissGoldGeneral2023
Jeanne Ostnes and Tim BenintendiPlatinumGeneral2023
Larry and Darlene PetersonPlatinumGeneral2023
Jason BruneSilverGeneral2023
Patrick DolphinCopperGeneral2023
Malie GrayCopperGeneral2023
Matthew HansonCopperGeneral2023
William KinneCopperGeneral2023
Sonny LindnerSilverGeneral2023
Clark MilneSilverGeneral2023
Jameson PerryCopperGeneral2023
Patricia PeirsolCopperGeneral2023
Judd RutledgeCopperGeneral2023
Michael WhelanSilverGeneral2023
Bill TweetSilverGeneral2023
Nick StepovichSilverGeneral2023
Robert Fithian/SundanceGoldGeneral2023
Margaret Cox RichSilverGeneral2023
Shirley LissGoldGeneral2023
Ron InouyeGoldGeneral2023
Don and Carolyn GraySilverGeneral2023
Teresa UsibelliSilverIn Memory of
John Usibelli
William Stroecker FoundationPlatinumGeneral2023
Design AlaskaGoldGeneral2023
Jeanne Ostnes and Tim BenintendiPlatinumIn Memory of
Lars Ostnes
Alaska Trappers AssociationSilverGeneral2024
Sarah IstoSilverIn Memory of
Oscar Tweiten
Larry and Darlene PetersonPlatinumGeneral2024
Karl and Nacy HannemanPlatinumGeneral2024
Jeanne Ostnes and Tim BenintendiPlatinumIn Memory of
Lars Ostnes
Michele and Mitch UsibelliPlatinumGeneral2024
Ron InouyeGoldGeneral2024
Sarah IstoSilverIn Memory of
Oscar Tweiten
Asle EikelandPlatinumIn memory of
George Eikeland
Scott BothwellCopperGeneral2024
Jason BruneSilverGeneral2024
Patrick DolphinCopperGeneral2024
Matthew HansonCopperGeneral2024
Richard HughesSilverGeneral2024
William KinneCopperGeneral2024
Sonny LindnerSilverGeneral2024
Lance MillerCopperGeneral2024
Clark MilneSilverGeneral2024
Jameson ParryCopperGeneral2024
Patricia PeirsolCopperGeneral2024
Michael WhelanSilverGeneral2024
Usibelli FoundationPlatinumGeneral2024
Fairbanks Coin ClubSilverGeneral2024
Fairbanks Genealogical SocietySilverGeneral2024
Fairbanks Branch, Alaska Miners AssociationGoldGeneral2024
Taiga Mining CompanyPlatinumGeneral2024

(1): Also listed as a '98er'
(2): From Pick-Click-Give Program

We will update the donor list above on a regular, albeit periodic basis.

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